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York Public Schools | March 26, 2025

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A Message from the Superintendent

Thanks for visiting our website. We became a school district on June 14, 1871 and we’re proud of our past and excited about our future!

Our student achievement scores are consistently well above the state and national averages.  Our 3rd-8th graders are currently performing better than 75% of students across on the country on national reading assessments.  Our scores on Nebraska’s state assessments are some of the highest in the area in reading, math, and science.

We offer a well-rounded curriculum that has something for everyone. Our 11th and 12th graders are able to participate in dual credit courses that earn college credit. We’ve beefed up our 3rd-8th grade high ability learner offerings to include summer programming, Math Counts, and Invention Convention.  We’ve added an “Entrepreneurship Academy” as well.

York High School offers a state-of-the-art Agronomy Academy and work certification program that is unlike any other in Nebraska.  YHS students can earn work certification in the areas of diversified ag, chemical application, and/or irrigation technology through outstanding business partnerships with Reinke, CVA, Pioneer, Syngenta, Monsanto, Mycogen, and the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture.

York Public Schools is seen as a leader throughout the state in technology integration. We have exciting initiatives that involve chromebooks, iPads, iPods, and other educational tools. Our students are afforded numerous opportunities to use technology to enrich their educational experiences.

Our school facilities are top-notch. We have a beautiful and spacious elementary school that was built in 1993. Our 6th-8th grade middle school was built in 2007. York High School has seen close to $14 million worth of renovation and expansion since 2012 thanks to a successful bond issue election in November 2011.

Please spend some time on our website. Tabs on the home page will show you student achievement data, our annual report to patrons, our curriculum maps, our school improvement goals, and much more.  

Feel free to “like” York Public Schools on Facebook or to follow @MitchBartYPS on Twitter to learn more about our district and to stay connected with current events involving the York Dukes!

Go Dukes,

Mitch Bartholomew

Click Here for the Superintendent’s Goals