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York Public Schools | March 12, 2025

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Gayla Knight

(in honor of the late Phil Towle)

York Public Schools Foundation 

The York Public Schools Foundation launched “Project Phil-Anthropy” to honor Phil Towle, who passed away in April 2016.  Phil was a retired teacher, counselor, and coach.  He also served on the YPS Board of Education.  Nobody had more “Duke Pride” than Phil!

One of the many wonderful things Phil did was help those in need.  He made a difference in the lives of so many York Duke students by providing them with basic items that they couldn’t always afford on their own.  He often helped purchase school clothes, shoes, school supplies, prom tickets, activity passes, paid for haircuts, and lots of other items that are important to our young people.

We spent about $6,000 during the 2016-17 school year on students in need.  Items purchased included clothes, socks, shoes, food, and educational supplies.  We have many students in need and continue to try to help as many of them as possible.

In addition to the general fundraising goal of the YPS Foundation, the annual goal for the Phil-Anthropy project is $7,500.  This would allow us to spend $2,500 on students in each of our three school buildings and maintain a positive balance in this account so this program is sustainable for many years to come.  We have students who come to school hungry each morning.  We have students that would benefit from an afternoon snack before they go home.  We will buy numerous jackets as the weather gets colder.  There are many needs.

If you’re interested in being part of “Project Phil-Anthropy,” you can make out checks to the York Public Schools Foundation and mail them to York Public Schools at 1715 N. Delaware Avenue.  Please put ATTN: “Project Phil-Anthropy” on the envelope and/or check.

All money collected will go into a fund that will purchase and provide items for students in need just like Phil would’ve done if he was still with us.  A committee of school personnel and Foundation members will oversee the account and determine purchases.

Please feel free to contact any of the following YPS Foundation members with questions, comments, and/or concerns.

YPS Foundation Board of Directors
Sally Ruben, President   Tony North, Vice-President
Lori Suddarth, Secretary   Jean Vincent, Treasurer
Julie Adams     Derek Dauel     Dr. Pat Hotovy     Gayla Knight
Pepper Papineau        Audrey Sautter         Barb Skaden
Dr. Mitch Bartholomew, Superintendent, Ex-officio member