Counseling Center
Dr. Tami Wegener
School Counselor
402-362-6655, ext. 224
Mrs. Dana Schmid
School Counselor
402-362-6655, ext. 225
Mrs. Deb Stuhr
Admin. Assistant
402-362-6655, ext. 226
DUAL CREDIT TUITION PAYMENT (and materials fees)
Southeast Community College (SCC) is now billing through the students’ email accounts through the Hub. Students need to log into the Hub and click on “email” to find the billing statement from Nelnet Campus. Contact Mrs. Stuhr if you have questions.  Payment is due September 30, 2024. This can be paid through the HUB account or by mailing a check to the Milford campus to the attention of Student Accounts.
PERU dual credit (Speech for fall semester or Biology for the spring semester) will soon have applications submitted by students. Billing statements will be mailed to students’ home addresses in early October. The due date for payment of tuition is November 1. Students can pay through their “MyPSC” account or mail a check to Peru State at Box 10, Peru, NE 68421..
MATERIALS FEES for dual credit are payble to York High School and are posted on your Infinite Campus fees tab. See Mrs. Stuhr if you have questions.
FREE COLLEGE PLANNING HELP available! Seniors, we are so fortunate to have an Educationquest expert from Lincoln visiting our school twice a month for 40-minute blocks of time. This is FREE help! Contact Mrs. Stuhr if you and/or your parents would like to set up a time to visit with her. She is taking appointments with the next date will be in February (January 30 is filled) (This includes help with the FAFSA which opened on December 1.) The FAFSA will be required this year for all seniors. Contact Mrs. Stuhr to get your appointment set up soon!
ACT Test Date ahead:
February 8 — registration due by January 3.
April 5 — registration due February 28.
Ultimate Guide to the ACT
York P.E.O. Chapter I.O. is offering a scholarship to a senior girl who has a minimum 2.5 GPA; has financial need; has overcome personal and/or academic challenges; is passionate about educational goals. Applications are available in the counseling office. Deadline to submit this is Jan. 16, 2025.
Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation scholarship opened Nov. 1. Eligibility to apply includes being a resident of Nebraska, earning at least a 2.0 GPA in high school, being a first-time college student, and financial need with an student aid index (SAI) below $10,000. This renewable scholarship may be used at Nebraska public universities and four-year as well as two-year colleges. Application and details may be found at  Deadline is February 1, 2025 at 5 PM.
Nebraska Good Life Opportunities Program at UNK is offering a scholarship! If you are a senior who aspires to work in local, city and state government, check out this full-tuition scholarship to UNK that also includes guaranteed admission to UNO MPA program and other benefits.  To apply, go to Deadline is February 1, 2025.
York County Farm Bureau Scholarship – is open to a graduating senior pursuing an agriculture-related field. While not required, a member of York County Farm Bureau will be preferred.   Personal statement required.  Applications available in Counseling Office. Deadline is February 1, 2025.
Grand Island Concert Association is sponsoring scholarships to seniors recognizing interest and exemplary participation in music and/or theater. These scholarships are awarded to encourage the recipients’ continued development of their talent and interest. Applications open online on Dec. 1 at    A one-minute audio file is required to be included.  See Mrs. Stuhr if questions. The deadline is Feb. 5, 2025.
John Deere/AKRS Equipment is sponsoring a Jump Start scholarship to juniors and seniors. If selected a student could have full tuition covered as they pursue an Associate Degree in Ag Technology and prepare for a career as a John Deere Ag Technician. Bonuses and guaranteed employment included. To apply, go to  Applications are due February 21, 2025. Questions may be directed to
SMITH Diversity Scholarship administered by Lutheran Family Services is open to seniors whose household income is less than $75,000 and an ethnic minority. Essay required and three letters of recommendation requested. Visit for more information and to apply. Questions may be directed to   Deadline is February 28, 2025.
Central Valley Ag is offering scholarships to students pursuing an ag-related study in college. Parent/guardians must be a current stockholder in CVA or be an employee.  Website application is found at .  Essay required.  Deadline March 1, 2025.
Blue Valley Community Action (BVCA) Partnership is now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 BVCA Partnership Scholarship (those attending a four-year school – valued at $1,000), the BVCA Partnership Vocational Scholarship (those attending a two-year school – valued at $1,000) and the BVCA Partnership SCC Scholarship (those attending SCC – valued at $1,000). Applications can be found on-line at OR you may obtain an application in the counseling office. Three recommendation letters are required. These scholarships are based on financial need guidelines and student must be living in the BVCA service area. Deadline March 1, 2025.
Nebraska Women Involved in Farm Economics (NE WIFE) is sponsoring the Cynthia Thomsen Scholarship, awarding to a woman from Nebraska who will begin her first year in a field related to agriculture. The scholarship may be used at the school of the recipient’s choice in Nebraska. Application available in the Counseling office. Deadline is March 15, 2025.
The following forms (the same form — just different formats) may be used to apply for local Blue & Gold scholarships:
PERU STATE COLLEGE – DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS .. DIrections for ordering a transcript:
- Go to
- Hover over Academics, Student Records, Transcripts
 See Mrs. Stuhr if you have questions.
SCC Dual Credit Students …. You may request your transcript by logging into the HUB at , select Self service, select Transcript Request and New Request and complete the information.
See Mrs. Stuhr if you have questions.
Let’s work together for a great school year! Â
Educational Planning
- Education Quest : Free College Planning Services. Â Â Eduquest is based out of Lincoln, NE http:///
- KnowHow2Go: A slick site for planning your college education no matter what grade you are currently in. Â Helpful tips for students in middle school, as well as high school.
- College Bound Nebraska NSCS Advantage
Nebraska Universities and Colleges
- Chadron State College
- College of St. Mary
- Creighton University
- Doane University
- Grace University
- Hastings College
- Midland University
- Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture
- Nebraska Methodist College
- Nebraska Wesleyan University
- Peru State College
- Union College
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln http://
- University of Nebraska–Kearney
- University of Nebraska–Omaha
- Wayne State College
- York College
Transcript Release Form
Graduation Information FormÂ